GOLD SPONSOR – $4,000 (Limit 2)
- One (1) 6’ table in exhibit area with two (2) chairs, power outlet and a trash can
- Two (2) full complimentary conference registration
- Half page ad in Conference Program
- Recognition at General Session
- Logo recognition on the conference website and all other conference materials
- One (1) 6’ table in exhibit area with two (2) chairs, power outlet and a trash can
- Two (2) full complimentary conference registrations
- Quarter page ad in Conference Program
- Recognition at General Session
- Logo recognition on the conference website and all other conference materials
- One (1) full complimentary conference registration
- Business card size ad in Conference Program
- Recognition at General Session
- Logo recognition on the conference website and all other conference materials
- Two (2) full complimentary conference registration
- Half page ad in Conference Program
- Recognition at General Session
- Logo recognition on the conference website and all other conference materials
Sponsorship checks should be made out to “Georgia Tech Foundation” with the note NHEC2022, and can be mailed to:
Georgia Tech
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
ATTN: CEE Business Office/Jenny Freeman
790 Atlantic Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30332-0355
Georgia Tech
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
ATTN: CEE Business Office/Jenny Freeman
790 Atlantic Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30332-0355